Senior Copywriter
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University of Phoenix •

 University of Phoenix “Discover Your Wings”

Going back to school as a working adult isn’t easy. Besides juggling work, family, and everything else in their crazy lives, adult learners also have to find time to earn their degree. And that can be scary. So we created a campaign to show these mighty students that there’s nothing to fear. Because the strength they need to succeed is within them, and it’s been there all along.

Not only did we create a commercial encouraging adults to become students again, but we also wrote a children’s book to accompany our campaign. Cowritten with art director and cool parent, Elizabeth Lay, we created a storybook about a dragon who was always too busy to learn how to fly – until a little red bird showed the dragon how far her wings could take her.



Click to read the full storybook!

Click to read the full storybook!

Larry Fitzgerald, just a normal guy who graduated from University of Phoenix and isn’t a professional football player or anything, read the book to students and their kids. It’s pretty sweet.